Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Iq Tests Be Considered Biased Measures Of Intelligence
1. Why might IQ tests be considered biased measures of intelligence? (5 points) a. IQ tests can be considered biased measures of intelligence, as there are many factors that have to deal with it. Even though IQ test are total fairness it all depends on a person’s social interaction rate. For example, if a test taker comes from a third world country where education is not available vs. a test taker here the scores will range. Bias is present when a test score has implications that relevant showing the portrayal of the subgroup of test takers. It often has to do with social viewpoint and knowledge about the world. 2. What is the relationship between primary, secondary, and tertiary regions of the cortex in information processing? (5 points) a. The relationship between primary, secondary, and tertiary regions of the cortex in information processing is that they are more directly involved with each other than others with sensory or motor processing. The primary cortex receives information from the peripheral receptors, which then travels to surrounding primary areas known as secondary and tertiary regions of the cortex where incoming information is integrated. 3. You are working with a squid giant axon with a resting potential of -70mV. What would the voltage change look like if (a) the axon is bathed in tetrodotoxin, and (b) the axon is bathed in TEA? In both cases, supra-threshold current is applied to the axon, enough to cause an action potential in a seawater onlyShow MoreRelatedIQ Tests are Not an Accurate Measure of a Persons Intelligence886 Words  | 4 PagesIQ tests are not an accurate measure of a persons intelligence. I will be analyzing the reasons why I think that IQ tests are not an accurate measure of the intelligence. These reasons will be accompanied with solid proven facts that will discount the accuracy that is falsely considered to be a part of IQ tests. 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