Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Socrates Intentions Were On Athens Better And Show The...
Now I will attempt to explain what Socrates’ intentions were (besides entrapping Meletus) when he was in court or rather what was his goal in during his predicament. In my opinion, I argue that one of Socrates’ goals were to make Athens better and show the flaws of self-claimed wise people while he was on his quest to find someone wiser than he. Another goal I would suggest is that that he wanted to prove that the false beliefs within Athens only harm people and his last goal was to prove to the audience that he believed that what he was doing was truly good and nothing will stop him from doing what he does. To show how Socrates wanted to prove how he attempted to make Athens better I will need to refer to the Apology at 19E. Here he tells the audience that he never charged anyone who wanted to learn from him. Proof of this also arises in the Euthyphro 3E. He was willing to teach, â€Å"without charging a fee but even glad to reward anyone who is willing to listen†(Euthyphro 3E). This reinforces my claim about him wanting to improve society. In the Apology 22A-E he proves to the audience that there are many others in Athens, poets and craftsmen, that are not actually wise and are just spreading false beliefs to others which is a bad thing. And that he continues to pursue to do what he does even though â€Å"[he] acquired much unpopularity, of a kind that is hard to deal with and is a heavy burden†(Apology 23A). When he told the audience this, I suggest that he had to haveShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesmost comprehensive of the grimoires, or handbooks of magic. The attribution to the Andalusian mathematician al-Majriti (or al-Madjriti) (d. ca. 1004-7) is considered pseudo-epigraphic. The Latin translation dates to 1256 and the court of Alphonso the Wise, king of Castille, and exerted a considerable influence on Western magic thereafter. It is said that much of Ficino’s astrological magic de rives from the Picatrix (see I.P.Couliano, Eros and Magic in the Renaissance, University of Chicago Press, 1987Read MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmaterial from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Many of the designations by manufacturers and seller to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whetten, David A.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Gender Politics in the Criminal Justice System Essay
The United States criminal justice system, an outwardly fair organization of integrity and justice, is a perfect example of a seemingly equal situation, which turns out to be anything but for women. The policies imposed in the criminal justice system affect men and women in extremely dissimilar manners. I plan to examine how gender intersects with the understanding of crime and the criminal justice system. Gender plays a significant role in understanding who commits what types of crimes, why they do so, who is most often victimized, and how the criminal justice system responds to these victims and offenders. In order to understand the current state of women and the way in which gender relates to crime and criminal justice, it is first†¦show more content†¦Criminology is the study of crime and is concerned with developing theories on what causes crime, whereas criminal justice focuses more on the processing of victims and offenders. Crime remains a constant problem in every s ociety, no matter how civilized or uncivilized that country may be. Although, the criminal justice system does receive a lot of attention, the attention is focused more on the males in the system rather than the females. Since 1980 the number of women in state and federal prisons has increased at nearly double the rate for men. There are now nearly seven times as many women in state and federal prisons as in 1980, yet there is still a common misconception that the criminal behavior of females is not a serious problem. In fact when I first enrolled in the class I thought there would be a section about gender politics in the criminal justice system because it is an extremely important component in society, and I was disappointed to discover that there was no such section. I feel that this topic is one of importance because the policies and practices of the criminal justice affect all women, directly or indirectly, and is why I chose this subject over the many others. In order to better comprehend the issues in which I will be examining, it is important to have an understanding of the difference between sex and gender, the role and definition of a patriarchal society,Show MoreRelatedEssay about Gender Politics in the US Criminal Justice System1736 Words  | 7 PagesGender Politics in the US Criminal Justice System The state of women in the United States criminal justice system, an apparently fair organization of integrity and justice, is a perfect example of a seemingly equal situation, which turns out to be anything but. While the policies imposed in the criminal justice system have an effect on all Americans, they affect men and women in extremely dissimilar manners. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
War And Its Costs World War One free essay sample
War And Its Costss: World War One Essay, Research Paper World War One was said to be # 8220 ; the war to stop all wars, # 8221 ; little did the people know that that was traveling to be proven incorrect 19 subsequently. The perceptual experience of war was clearly misstated to new recruits. Both supporters in both books thought the war was merely a clip to turn out yourself and contend for your state, little did they know that the point of them being in the war was to learn them how to remain alive. Paul Baumer, the supporter in # 8220 ; All Quiet on the Western Front, # 8221 ; got usage to the war and his companions better so Robert Ross, the supporter in # 8220 ; The Wars, # 8221 ; did. The storytellers of both books describe the war land rather vividly and rather likewise. Receiving a misconception of war was precisely what Paul Baumer and Robert Ross had received before enlisting into the ground forces. 1Paul # 8217 ; s teacher lectured the pupils in Paul # 8217 ; s category about enlisting into the German ground forces. He gives the pupils a long address about how they shouldn # 8217 ; t be larning, they should be out in the trenches contending for their state. What he fails to make is learn the pupils about the down side of contending for your state. Once Paul enlists into the ground forces and is out at that place on the forepart, Katczinsky tells him that in the war they are non contending for their state, but contending to remain alive. His instructor besides failed to state them of how they would experience when they killed another human being. When Paul landed in a trench and a soldier from the opposing side had fallen into the trench with him, Paul did non waver to knife the adult male. After he had stayed in the trench with the half-dead soldier, Paul made promises to the soldier. 2 # 8220 ; Comrade, I did non desire to kill you # 8230 ; You were merely an thought to m e before, an abstraction that lived in my head and called Forth its appropriate response. It was that abstraction I stabbed # 8230 ; Forgive me, companion. We ever see it excessively tardily. Why do they neer tell us that you are hapless Satans like us # 8230 ; that we have the same fright of decease, and the same death and the same torment # 8212 ; Forgive me, comrade ; how could you be my enemy? If we threw away these rifles and this uniform you could be my brother merely like Kat # 8230 ; # 8221 ; His instructor did non learn this sudden understanding that Paul displays. Paul told Katczinsky what had happened and Katczinsky related to the affair by stating that everyone goes through it their first clip. Robert had gone through a different misconception of war. 3Robert # 8217 ; s sister Rowena was crippled so Robert ever hung around with her to hearten her up ; they were best friends. One twenty-four hours when Robert was out Rowena fell when she wasn # 8217 ; t being watched and died. This was the concluding draw and Robert decided that the last thing left for him to make was to go forth his household and travel to war. Robert enlisted into the ground forces. Robert didn # 8217 ; t truly cognize what he was making, merely that there was a war traveling on and he was traveling to be portion of it. Unlike Paul, Robert wasn # 8217 ; t truly taught anything about the war, he merely figured it was off out of the existent universe. Throughout the full book Paul shows a drastic alteration in his attitude towards his pre-enlistment society as oppose to his fellow companions in the ground forces. At first Paul seems to take the advice of his instructor and parents by enlisting into the ground forces. He described his instructor # 8217 ; s persuasion to acquire his pupils to enlist into the ground forces by stating, 4 # 8220 ; give uping our single personalities more wholly so we would of all time hold believed possible even in the most bootlicking errand male child. Saluting, eyes front # 8230 ; we had imagined that our undertaking would be instead different from all this, but we discovered that we were being trained to be heroes, the manner they train circus Equus caballuss, and we rapidly got used to it. # 8221 ; This proves that Paul got use to the ground forces rather easy. At another point of the book, Paul notices that he can non pass on with the people he grew up with. When Paul returns place he goes to talk to his female parent, but he realizes that they have nil to state to each other, 5 # 8220 ; We say really small, and I am grateful that she asks nothing. # 8221 ; But eventually she speaks, # 8220 ; Was it really bad out at that place, Paul? # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Mother, what should I reply to that? You would non understand, you could neer recognize it. And you neer shall recognize it. Was it bad you inquire? You, mother, I shake my caput and say: # 8220 ; No, mother, non so really. There are ever a batch of us together so it isn # 8217 ; t so bad. # 8221 ; In this portion Paul is believing to him self and so tells his female parent a prevarication that everything is all right. He does this to protect his female parent from hearing about the inhumane conditions from which he has merely returned. 6In another scene Paul was trapped in a trench and started to panic. Once he had heard the voices of his companions he had settled down believing that everything was all right. Robert # 8217 ; s hitch to the war was a pick made all by him self. Robert seemed to acquire usage to the idea of being a soldier but remained more relaxed. He led his life as though he was out of the war. He made it look as though the war was merely a background and a minor complication in his life. He kept speaking to his parents and he perused to love Barbara D # 8217 ; Orsey. 7He met her while he was on leave after being injured on the forepart and maintaining an oculus out for his practically dead friend, Harris. Robert besides had clip to do friends on his ocean trip during the war. He described his narrative as if there was no war traveling on. 8In the beginning of the book him and a few companions went to a brothel. This was traveling to be Robert # 8217 ; s first clip holding slept with a adult female. Robert didn # 8217 ; t want to travel in but had to so he could suit in with the other work forces. The cocotte had realized this was traveling to be his first clip by his silence and by the manner that he ejaculated before he was even touched. This seemed to be a portion of the book merely to demo how immature Robert was and how he tried to suit in. 9Paul # 8217 ; s description of the cemetery scene seems to be symbolic and besides a really thorough description. Near the terminal of the book the allied forces attacked a cemetery in which Germans were go throughing through. This was right before Paul got trapped in the trench where he killed the soldier from the opposing side. In one case of that scene Paul says, # 8220 ; I am contending a loony baffled conflict. I want to acquire out of my hollow in the land but I keep on stealing back in. # 8221 ; Paul is merely depicting what the trench seems like and what is traveling on around him and to follow that he besides says, # 8220 ; The machine guns are rattling off. I know that barbed wire webs are steadfast and reasonably good undamaged # 8230 ; They aren # 8217 ; t acquiring through. They # 8217 ; ll have to turn back. # 8221 ; Paul chiefly describes the things traveling on around him in the war, such as the heavy weapon, barbed wires, and the soldiers. Robert # 8217 ; s portraiture of the war was rather conceivable. 10In one portion of the book Robert and his work forces are on their manner to a meeting point with their Equus caballuss. Robert took a incorrect bend and went through a butch. A butch is like speedy sand filled with gases. Robert noticed the odor of Cl and phosgene. # 8220 ; What is that odor # 8221 ; he asked Poole. # 8220 ; Prob # 8217 ; ly chlorine # 8221 ; Poole replied. 11The usage of Cl gas was truly used chiefly by the Germans and it was the first clip the usage of gas at such a big graduated table was used. Robert besides described the work forces he and Poole were stuck with in the trench. 12One adult male, Devlin, said he was an creative person. He went through the war roll uping stained glass from churches, and portrayals of Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Another adult male had kept coneies, birds, porcupines, and frogs. Robert made it look as though these work forces were brainsick. He besides described the sum of deceases, which occur during a few conflicts. 13The first dark Robert really fell asleep, which was the forenoon of the 28th of February at 4 ante meridiem the Germans set off land mines at St. Eloi Salient. It lasted five yearss and 30,000 work forces would decease, yet non an inch of land had been gained. Many conflicts like these have been fought in the war such as The conflict of Somme, and the conflict of Ypres which Robert makes a little mention to. Besides the trenches described are besides described precisely how they truly were. # 8220 ; The war to stop all wars # 8221 ; was clearly proven incorrect in the hereafter. It seems as though all the combat that the soldiers did was for nil but to derive back land which was already the same state # 8217 ; s land. The immature soldiers were ambitious to contend for their state so they did non waver to enlist into the ground forces. Parents, instructors and other theoretical account figures taught the teenagers/children the incorrect thing. Not to contend for pride, or for going a hero, or even for your state, but contending to seek to remain alive one time you have already enlisted. Both supporters clearly show the manner they lived during the war, and their misconceptions of it.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Innovative Technologies and Modern Communication
Table of Contents Introduction Ways of Youths’ Communication What Affects Modern Youth? Ways of Persuasion Call Me Maybe Conclusion Reference List Introduction Innovative technologies have been changing modern world gradually since the day of their emergence.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovative Technologies and Modern Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The invention of writing, then typing, telephones and telegraphs, cell phones, computers, the Internet, and we cannot even imagine what can be next, all these means of progress development assist people in communication. Using written letters, telephones, faxes, SMS, and e-mails people communicate with each other. Youths usually refer to the most innovative means of socialization in order to be always available. The mobile Internet, notebooks, and other portable means of connection allow modern youths remain in touch 24/7. Communicatio n is very important for young people. The use of innovative technologies is also easily explained by means of the desire to be in fashion. However, young people still desire to use comfortable means for communication and the role of the influence is important. Young people can be easily convinced in a particular issue, therefore, speaking about the choice of the means of communication and the way how it is used, the source of influence is to be checked. Ways of Youths’ Communication There are a lot of different means of communication in the modern world. Youths prefer to use e-mail, SMS and messages in Tweeter or Facebook. Comments in different blogs have become one more way of communication. It is possible to notice how people do not only express their vision of the problem discussed in a blog, but how they communicate with each other. Youths are interested in the novelties. Before the spread of the Internet, youths were interested in SMSs and MMSs.Advertising Looking f or essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Then, the Internet appeared with various means for communication, like Skype. Furthermore, Facebook occupied students’ attention. Now, many people use Tweeter for communication with the world, however, Facebook still remains important. Balouris (2012) noticed a tendency that youths would better write a message online than call for communication as in case of writing a message, youth should not follow their tone of voice, gestures and mimics, body language. Spread of Facebook and Tweeter along with other Internet blogs and websites helps modern youths communicate and share information. These mentioned networks are good information deliverers, therefore, when something happens, information is spread fast. The emergence of a new song is news. Sisario (2012) claims that the use of the mentioned above networks helps deliver this information fast and make a song popular. This is exactly what happened with Carly Rae Jepsen’s hit Call Me Maybe (2012). What Affects Modern Youth? Looking at the specifics of modern communication and the way youths’ deal with news, I am sure that social network is the main means of effect. Taking into consideration Carly Rae Jepsen’s summer hit Call Me Maybe (2012). It was not at the top list on the radio, it was not too spread on television. This song was located online on YouTube, a kind of a video blog, and it was spread among youths via Tweeter, Facebook and other blogs. Sisario (2012) stresses that â€Å"YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are now record labels’ textbook tools for starting a marketing campaign, and if the numbers there are big enough, they can be used in pitches to radio and television programmers†.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Innovative Technologies and Modern Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I cannot disagree with the statement. However, what as the main influential effect? What really impacts youths? Adolescents are not affected by the modernity of music in most cases, they are affected by the opinion of other people. This is the case. I am sure that this summer the number of calls has increased just because the song sings, â€Å"Call me maybe†(Jepsen, 2012). It is not â€Å"tweet me maybe†or â€Å"text me maybe†, Balouris (2012) interferes. This is exactly â€Å"call†and she is sure that it means much for youths’ changes in communication. One of the members of the Intern blog (Call Me, Maybe? 2012) is sure that the song carries a very influential and persuasive meaning. Ways of Persuasion People of business know for sure that the telephone conversations are very important. This measure is used in many reasons. One of the members of the Intern blog (Call Me, Maybe? 2012) has written that a telephone call may he lp assist people, please clients and be very useful while telephone conferences. Youths have not understood the importance of the telephone communication when it is possible to hear the voice of the opponent, its intonation. Even though the song became popular over such networks as Tweeter, YouTube and Facebook as Sisario (2012) persuades us, the importance of this song is in the message which is devoted to reminding people about of interpersonal communication, as Balouris (2012) convinces. Having listened to this song, I also had a desire to take a cell phone and to call somebody.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Call Me Maybe Therefore, what is Call Me Maybe (Jepsen, 2012) about? Is this just a â€Å"fun song†as Sisario (2012) assures, or it is the way to promote such networks as Facebook, YouTube, or Tweeter, according to Balouris’ (2012) claim? However, I am inclined to think that this song is the way to help people understand how telephone communication is important. One of the members of the Intern blog (Call Me, Maybe? 2012) has chosen the title of the song as a title calling it a clichà ©. She is sure that his song has made a phrase a clichà ©, and a very popular one. She never mentioned that her article is about Jepsen’s (2012) song, however, no one doubts it. I suppose that it is essential to speak to about the song as the propaganda of telephone conversations which make people closer than simple writing online message of SMS. Being an effective means for convincing business partners, pleasing them and getting necessary information, telephone conversations sh ould become useful for youths. Dwelling upon the strategies for making a successful call, the member of the Intern blog (Call Me, Maybe? 2012) is sure that hey are not numerous and may be easily remembered. Conclusion Therefore, a simple song.without thousands radio and TV releases managed not only to become popular, but also to interfere into the life of youths and change their vision of modern communication. Listening to this song online and having delivered it by means of the particular social network sources and blogs, the song advocate communication over the telephone, the one which is not usually used by young people who got used to Facebook, Tweeter, and other similar online programs. Being initially directed at sharing information, the social networks have taken the qualities of the telephone and Carly Rae Jepsen seems to have a desire to return this tradition of live communication when one is able to listen to the voice of an opponent. Reference List Balouris, M. C. (2012). Call Me, Maybe? Marielena’s Presidential Leadership Academy Blog. Web. Call Me, Maybe? (2012). Intern. Web. Jepsen, C. R. (2012). Call Me Maybe. YouTube. Web. Sisario, B. (2012). The new rise of a summer hit: Tweet it maybe. The New York Times. Web. This essay on Innovative Technologies and Modern Communication was written and submitted by user Brady W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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