Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A City For Promoting Sustainable Environment An Environmental Sciences Essays
A City For Promoting Sustainable Environment An Environmental Sciences Essays A City For Promoting Sustainable Environment An Environmental Sciences Essay A City For Promoting Sustainable Environment An Environmental Sciences Essay end 110 ( Beginning: www.secureproject.org ) The high energy marks did non carry through its end. The measuring informations is non available to the populace. For the H2O ingestion, the chief mark was set to entree 100 l/person/ twenty-four hours and during the period from July 2006 to July 2007, the mean ingestion was 141,9 l/person/day. Though the end was non achieved still it was better than other country while in Stockholm on mean ingestion is 200 l/ person/day ( www.secureproject.org ) . The initial ends for energy were set to 60 KWh/m2 which was updated to 100 KWh/m2 in 2005 ( Table 1 ) . Biogas merchandises, RES and reuse of waste heat coupled with energy ingestion expeditiously in edifices. About 23000 dozenss sludge treated with the production of 3,500,000 M3 biogas ( www.hammarbysjostad.se/glashusett ) . The best public presentation was achieved so far from two multifamily constructing blocks, holmen and Grynnan, where PV cells were installed in frontages, balconies and Windowss with the entire peak power 46 KW and production 32 MWh. The sum of produced energy is used to necessitate of 70 % of the energy for icebox and deep-freeze. An energy balance equation is frequently used for ciphering energy ingestion which can be implemented here Where Ein is the energy that flows in to the system, Prod is produced energy, Eout is the energy that flow out from the system and Ack is the accrued energy in the system. Local Inhabitants Influences With the increasing population and economic growing of the Hammarby Sjostad, there is an inevitable influence by the occupants of the territory. As the territory has good developed transit system including different foot way and bike lane. Private auto utilizing is non encouraged here. So about 80 % of the occupants and workers are utilizing public conveyance, bike or on pes. Thus they are playing a important function to cut down traffic burden and dodo fuel consume to guarantee the pollution free environment. The eco-friendly auto of auto pool system provides the personal demand of holding auto in pressing period. The dwellers of the metropolis is good known about the waste direction and they do their regard about screening of wastes until today and eventually to gain it ethier automatic vacuity system or manus over the risky waste to GlashusEtt waste aggregation point. Thus they are playing an of import function to cut down the energy loss for screening waste every bit good as to recycle it for bring forthing biogas. The H2O ingestion of the country is 100 to 140 l/person/day whereas otherpart of Stockholm dwellers use 200 l/person/day. The ingestion manner of H2O usage reveals about their consciousness about sustainability. The low flower system of the lavatory, rinsing machines and dish washers, air sociable lights-out is installed for eco-friendly environment comparison to those of Stockholm metropolis or other metropoliss. The imhabitants response with any acitivities or run organized for the eco-friendly environment. For illustration, in 2005 a run organized against the usage of bacteriacide triclosan, a risky substance used in toothpaste. After the run the analysis of triclosen was found with smaller sum comparison to old clip. Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Design for Sustainability At the planning and designing of the metropolis, the first precedence was given to advance sustainability of the environment without hamering the nature. The optimisation of the resources and the coordination of different energy systems with high tech sustainable engineering make its end closer and easier. Eco-design The chief focal point of the industrial ecology is sustainable development and environment by optimizing the use of natural resources. The life rhythm of the merchandises and resources and its proficient systems defines the sustainability of industrial society. The design of the edifice substructure and its building stuffs are environment friendly. Fuel cells and the edifice double-gazed facade heighten the eco-design of the edifice. Green Roofs Most of the edifices roofs are designed as green roofs covering in stonecrop or sedum workss. This particular eco design non merely brings the attractive force but besides has sustainable impacts. The workss on the roof protect drain to cloacas by adsorbing rain H2O. Vacuum system for solid waste and garbage sorting The solid domestic wastes fractions are sorted and collected through an belowground waste aggregation system. The waste is collected in the belowground room through vacuity suction, one fraction at a clip. The containers in the resistance are collected without lorries that cut down vehicle traffic in the country. It besides avoids workers to transport heavy burden. Hazardous wastes are collected in GlasshusEtt edifice. Construction stuffs All the stuffs used for the building was considered for environmental position. For illustration, the seeable stuffs for facade and on the land of the edifice, stuffs used inside the edifice shell, all the equipments and installing procedure are tested as sustainable, healthy, dry and eco-friendly merchandises. Solar panels and Cells In some of the edifices solar panel has installed to heat the H2O system of the full edifice which reduces the energy ingestion from the cardinal beginning. Some edifice is designed with the solar cells in which Sun visible radiation is harnessed and produces electric energy. A individual solar cell system consists of one square metre can supply 100 kWh/yr. This sum is tantamount to 3 square metre of family energy. Storm H2O from street Storm H2O ( rain H2O, snowmelt H2O ) from the street is collected, purified and released into Hammarby Canal. For purification sand filters and unreal filter wetland is used. Storm H2O besides infiltrated in to the land or drain to Sickla Canal, Hammarby Canal or Danvik Canal. Storm H2O Drain Channel is constructed to have rain H2O from environing houses and gardens via drainage system. This channel H2O besides enhances the beautification of the country. The H2O so runs to Basins named equiliser and eventually to the lake. Biogas All the domestic organic waste and sludge are used to bring forth biogas. Biogas is used for the cookery intent in the country and besides as fuel in eco-friendly autos and coachs. A individual family can bring forth such sum of waste stuffs that can supply sufficient sum of biogas for gas cooker. Biogas is the most environment friendly and sustainable signifier of fuel at nowadays. Communication System Hammarby Sjostad has eco friendly communicating system and energy salvaging vehicles. Private autos are non encouraged here. Well communicating system through Tvarbanan ropeway, coachs, ferry, auto pool etc has less environmental impact in the transit system cut downing traffic burden every bit good as devouring without fossil fuel. Heating and Cooling System Domestic wastes are used as energy beginning in the heat and power works which is used to go around territory warming and chilling system in Hammarby Sjostad. Ecoduct It is the most advanced and efficient solution to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem without any perturbation. In this territory two ecoducts are installed covering with flora. This two broad Bridgess connects two different side of the route in such a manner that animate beings can travel without holding job due to broad route and traffic system. Industrial Ecology Approach All the eco-friendly urban planning and design promotes the sustainability towards industrial ecology attack. Since 1917, it has been developing as an industrial country that had led to a higher pollution rate of the country including dirt, H2O and air. The whole environment became unhealthy and menace to the dwellers. After reconstructing the metropolis, until today it is one of the environment friendly sustainable metropoliss of the universe. So the design and planning has a great function to accomplish this end. The land uses converted from old brownfield sites to attractive residential countries with batch of recreational topographic points including green public infinites. The energy used in the metropolis is from the renewable fuels and biogas produced from the domestic waste. All the edifice has efficient energy ingestion. Water supply is maintained with the standard high quality with new engineering and reuse of H2O and sewerage after handling with maximal degree and released into nearby canals. The possible upper limit recycling system is introduced for the domestic wastes with the latest automatic vacuity. Transportation system of the metropolis is besides considered for the sustainable environment and less fuel ingestion rate. It has fast, attractive conveyance system including ferry, auto pools, eco-friendly auto, pes and rhythm way promoting cut down of private auto uses. All the stuffs used for the building of the edifice are healthy and environment friendly. Soil decontamination and ecoducts guarantee biodiversity of local flora and insects. Now this metropolis is regarded as the decontaminated country announced by the Stockholm s Environment and Health Administration. All these installations and sustainable development of the Hammarby Sjostad promotes the industrial ecology attack guaranting the undermentioned standards: Industrial metamorphosis Eco-design Dematerialization and decarbonisation Industrial sysmbiosis Eco-industrial park Eco-efficiency Pollution control Reuse, Recovery and Recycling Waste minimization Cleaner production and clean Technology Life rhythm and environmental impact appraisal Integrated planning, advanced eco-solutions and engineerings. Discussions To construct an environment friendly lodging undertaking it is necessary to concentrate and see many different facets that influences the environment. Hammarby Sjostad undertaking tried to convey concentration to every individual issue. It was non easy to reconstruct a extremely contaminated unplanned metropolis into a developed and wholly uncontaminted and pollution free metropolis. Hammarby Sjostad provides a alone illustration of wastrel direction and biogas production. The modern engineering of vacuity system makes easier to command waste direction and decline transporting vehicle that cut down traffic burden and fuel. The best production comes through the organic wastes bring forthing biogas which is used for cooking intent of the edifices. Combustible wastes are used to bring forth energy at Hogdalan combined heat and powerplant as a beginning of the power coevals and warming system of the territory. Private vehicle auto pool system and broad rhythm lane and foot way plays an o f import function to cut down green house gas. All the families are equipped with low blushing lavatory to cut down H2O ingestion. Hammarby Sjostad present a alone and different system to roll up storm H2O and rain H2O in the street and to handle it before let go ofing it to the lake while it is non considered in any other metropolis allowing storm H2O straight release to lake. However, all the building stuffs used for constructing up this metropolis are healthy, dry and environmentally sound. Energy ingestion process besides enhances the sustainability of the metropolis utilizing renewable energy. From the above treatment on this instance survey of Hammarby Sjostad, it can be easy recommended for constructing any sustainable metropolis to see following major standards: Eco-design for the metropolis sing environmental impacts during its whole life rhythm Eco-efficiency following maximal usage of ferenewable wer resources and making less waste and pollution Introducing industrial metamorphosis Eco-industrial park effort to cut down waste and pollution by sharing resources expeditiously collaborating with concern and local community Ensure industrial mutualism Decisions It is said that developing metropoliss ever destroy the natural environment but in the instance of Hammarby Sjostad wholly go different. Allready the metropolis is proved its achievement towards sustainability without haltering the natural environment every bit good as pollution and taint free country. The metropolis provides the best engineering with incorporate environmental solutions. Though the metropolis has long manner to turn out itself as a existent sustainable metropolis, still it can be regarded as a function theoretical account of existent estate development in industrial ecology attack.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Write a Term Paper Quickly
How to Write a Term Paper Quickly How to Write a Term Paper Quickly Students writing an examination or a class assignment have various speeds of completing their tasks. There are students who will take less than half the period that has been allocated to complete a certain paper. When this happens, the other students commonly develop a certain rush to finish their assignments too and submit their papers. Instructors discourage this kind of action, citing that it can make one omit crucial information. In the same way, rushing to complete a term paper simply because your colleague has finished hers can make you spell words wrongly. Again, the important requirement of proofreading your final copy will be overlooked. It is a plus for a student to write his/her term paper quickly. This does not mean that you should rush your work, in so doing jeopardizing chances of getting a good score. Writing a term paper quickly is possible if one has grasped the elements of creative writing. One of these elements is to dedicate the first five minutes of a writing task to understand the topic and organize your concepts in a logical and coherent flow. To do this, you need to have a sheet of paper in which you will draft a rough sketch of your term paper. To some students, this is a time-wasting activity that is not necessary. The truth, however, is that writing an outline of your term paper will stimulate your brain to generate many ideas. Where these ideas are not written down, there is likelihood that they evade the mind of the student, and in the end, the writer will only have two points that do not offer enough breadth. You should not limit yourself when writing the rough sketch of your term paper. It is always advisable to put all ideas on paper, regardless of how absurd they might appear. You probably have started writing a paper with a single concept, but later realized that your mind generated many other theories from that single concept. If the writer keeps the topic in mind, every idea that is noted in the rough outline will form a paragraph, thus assisting the writer to write a detailed term paper. After doing the rough draft, your work will be to transfer the main ideas onto your clean copy. The task for the writer will be to add flesh to the skeleton provided in the outline, which should not be difficult at all. Instructors recommend that you should always tick off an idea out of your rough draft once you have incorporated it into the main document. Unless you do this, you might unconsciously repeat points, and your lecturer will penalize you for this. Modern learning institutions allow students to use computers to write their term papers. This technology makes the writing task even simpler and quicker. This is because the computer saves all your drafts, and highlights erroneous sections that require correction. Therefore, the only laborious part is drafting the first copy, and you can edit it in no time. If you need a custom term paper you can order it online from paper writing service. High quality, plagiarism-free and timely delivery guarantee!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Brands in Retail Market Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Brands in Retail Market - Literature review Example Brands give products a unique identity or name with the help of a name / design or logo which catches the imagination of the customers. â€Å"A brand is an experience that lives at the intersection of promise and expectation. Your products are a way to deliver upon that promise. Forget features; concentrate on the unique experience you can provide†(Savard & Gallagher, 2010). The goal of retailers is to build strong brand identity to compete with other players in the industry. The paper discusses the implications and strategic significance of retail branding and its impact on customer choice and preference of stores. Introduction The retailing industry has gained increased prominence over the past few decades with growing consumerism in countries and wide range of products flooding the markets vying for consumer attention. The retail industry comprises of the department stores, local shops, discount stores, and specialty stores that form the vital link between the manufacturer s and customers. The global retail industry has witnessed significant changes in the post globalization period with markets opening to multinational products and brands making their way to the retail counters. The small local retail shops are disappearing to large multinational retail chain stores that have created a brand image for their quality of service and range of products available under one roof. Popular retail chain stores like Tesco, Walmart, Marks and Spencer have adopted international expansion strategies to increase market shares and profits. â€Å"Indeed, the larger the company, the more likely it is to operate beyond its domestic borders and to generate a higher percentage of its sales from foreign operations†(Deloitte, 2009). Brand management has emerged as a critical top management function for a business in the last decade. Brand image is increasingly being acknowledged as one of the most valuable intangible assets for a company. In the highly competitive r etailing industry, branding has a very important role to play in influencing customer perceptions and enhancing store loyalty. In the United States grocery and general merchandise industry, retailing has made major inroads in the last few years. The surge in promotions and private labels has been seen as an indicator of increase in retailer power. Simultaneously, there has also been a significant increase in the number of discounters and warehouse clubs. This has put a lot of pressure on traditional retailers. Retail competition has increased and become cut throat both within and between retail formats. Based on these observations the research provides an insight into the different perspectives that have emerged in driving customers to the retail chain stores. What role does branding play in influencing choice of retail stores and how do customers differentiate one retail brand from the other? These are some of the vital questions that are answered by the research paper through an a nalysis of existing literature and theoretical perspectives defining customer decision making process. Retail branding – a conceptual overview Retail branding is an evolving concept that has transformed the way customers shop today and it has generated a lot of speculation on how retail brands influence customers. Retail branding has been defined by Zentes, Morschett, and Schramm-Klein in their book Strategic Retail Management (2007) as â€Å"
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Planet Venus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Planet Venus - Essay Example Venus is the closest planet to earth both in distance and radius and this proximity has meant that we know more about it than any other planet. As shown below a lost has been discovered regarding the planets formation, composition, and visibility. Picture of Venus Venus was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago together with the rest of the solar system when our sun was formed in a cloud nebula referred to as the solar nebula (Cain). The cloud nebula must have been destabilized by a strong external force such as a nearby supernova as it began to deteriorate and with its crumbling down many stars were formed including our sun which due to its gravity attracted residue from the nebula that rotated in the form of hot rocks. The rocks would join together to form the planets of our solar system and one of them was Venus. It is believed that Venus must have collided with another huge object that affected its rotation as it the only planet to rotate in a clockwise manner. Proof of this is also seen in the fact that Venus has the longest day in the solar system the equivalent of 243 which is longer than the time it takes to revolve around the sun. In spite of this collision, Venus would still remain the biggest region within its location and it is believed it might have even absorbed the object that collided with it. While Venus is similar to earth in size being 95 % the size of our planet and given their close proximity it is likely that they formed during the same time. Venus does however have some stark differences that have made it be nicknamed earth’s evil twin by scientists. Comparative photo of Venus and Earth by NASA The lower atmosphere of Venus is filled with Carbon Dioxide and nitrogen while the upper atmosphere has a strong presence of sulphur dioxide which makes the temperatures of Venus extremely high due to a Greenhouse effect. With recordings of over 460? Centigrade the temperature on Venus are the hottest recorded on any planet even surpass ing Mercury which is the closest to the sun and the sulfur fumes make the environment acidic as it rains sulfuric acid in the upper atmosphere. These factors make Venus a lifeless planet as the places are highly inhospitable for terrestrial life as we know. The surface of Venus unlike other planets does not have craters due to meteorites and two theories have arisen to explain this: either the gases are so thick that any object that enters the atmosphere will burn up due to the air pressure with the exception of the largest of meteorites, or the planets volcanoes have been erupting frequently and so cover any asteroid collisions that have occurred (Redd). The planet does not have any water on the surface due to the high temperatures but it does have two huge continents that have mainly volcanic plains. Venus also lacks a magnetic field like that of the earth and it is thought that the main cause of this is that the core has cooled down significantly thus lacks many ionized particles . Several projects have been initiated to send probes to Venus so as to explore the planet a significant number of which were done by the USSR during the cold war era where it was competing with USA in the space race. The first successful landing was done in 1970 by the Venera -7 space probes however, several fly by missions had been done before it. The Venera successfully transmitted date from the planet’s surface regarding its composition and in 1975 the Venera – 9 sent the first images from the planet. From then other probes have been sent as well as fly by missions conducted with the European Union sending its own orbiters to study the planet (Anatoly). Photo of surface of Venus from Nasa 2005 Venus is a highly inhospitab
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay Example for Free
Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essay The themes that are introduced and emphasised in Chapter 8 of Charles Dickens Great Expectations are a near complete summary of the themes of the novel as a whole and of the conditions in which the English people had to live with in the 1800s. This chapter epitomises the circumstances in which English people lived and the situations that they faced, and it looks at many different perspectives and takes into account many different factors. The Industrial Revolution was a period in time when everything in England changed rapidly, and Dickens made sure that he captured Englands huge transition in every light he could. Dickens himself lived in poverty for a number of years, and his main motive for writing books (such as Oliver Twist and Nicholas Nickleby) was his desire to see change. These books are based around injustice and the divide between wealth and poverty. Chapter 8 of Great Expectations clearly defines the issues that Dickens sought to deal with through writing. The very first thing that happens in Chapter 8 Pips uncomfortable breakfast with Mr Pumblechook. Pip states in his narrative that on politely bidding him Good morning, Pumblechook immediately asked him a mathematics question. The breakfast then proceeds to continues in this manner (before I had swallowed a morsel, he began a running sum that lasted throughout breakfast. ) This is a prime example of control. This is one of the themes that come to the fore as the novel progresses. Pip finds that he very rarely has a choice in matters, he is either forced to do something or it would be very foolish or insulting to decline making certain choices. His life his almost completely influenced by others, and he often has no control over it at all. In Chapter 8, he is controlled by Pumblechook (as afore mentioned), Estella (You are to wait here, boy. ) and Miss Havisham (Play! ). In particular, Miss Havisham manipulates the lives of Estella and Pip to suit her own twisted, selfish needs to the point where she is remorseful of her actions. Dickens stresses the point that, in this era, the wealthy people dictate the actions of the poorer people. The fact that Pip is sitting back and enjoying the ride, so to speak, is a result of the people around him ordering and demanding things of him. Pip rarely has a choice to make, and is manipulated and used by many people, some with good intentions (Magwitch), some with evil intentions (Miss Havisham and Compeyson). Control and the gulf between inferiority and superiority are perpetual forces in the novel.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Sierra Club as an Interest Group Essays -- Environment Nature Essa
The Sierra Club as an Interest Group The Sierra Club is a national organization dedicated to the preservation of the environment. Founded in 1892 in California by conservationist John Muir, the Club is made up of 750,000 people devoted to the exploration, enjoyment, and the protection of the natural environmental. Headquartered in San Francisco, it has numerous state and regional chapters taking part in the fight for protection. According to Janda, an important part of pluralism was that new interest groups form as a matter of course when the need arises (Janda 176). Such is the case with the Sierra Club. With the establishment of Yosemite National Park by the US Congress in 1890, the Club formed two years later in 1892 to lead a campaign to defeat a proposed reduction in the boundaries of the Park. Moreover, the Sierra Club formed when there was a need and rising interest in environmental preservation. Another important aspect of interest group formation is leadership. Founding the Sierra Club, John Muir was an explorer, naturalist and writer devoted to the environment. Campaigning for the conservation of land, water and forests in the United States, he helped influence congress to pass the Yosemite National Park Bill and persuaded President Teddy Roosevelt to protect 150 million acres of forest reserves. His devotion and effort helped many people begin to understand the importance of conservation. Not just confined to information in books, his commitment allowed people to experience nature for themselves. Who is being organized is also an important factor. Regarding the Sierra Club, a range of people were organized. Whether rich, educated, businessmen, farmers, or women, environmental protection is important to... ...rent perspectives, environmental protection will be a topic of debate and controversy. In conclusion, the Sierra Club is a national interest group. Because of a disturbance, leadership and numerous like-minded individuals, the Sierra Club successfully organized in 1892. Taking on roles of representation, participation, education, agenda building and program monitoring, the it owes much of its success to its resources of members, money and lobbyists. As a group, the Club has accomplished much through direct lobbying, grassroots initiatives, high-tech lobbying and coalition building. With the environment being such a debated topic, the Sierra Club is an organization devoted to its preservation. Works Cited: Janda, Kenneth, Jeffrey M. Berry and Jerry Goldman. The Challenge of Democracy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2004. The Sierra Club. www.sierraclub.org
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Research Assignment Essay
To understand the what the advantages of a declarative language as opposed to a procedural language, we must understand the difference between the two. A procedural language such as FORTRAN or Cabal (There are more) give precise instructions that tell the computer what to do. In other words a procedural language is your basic â€Å"if-this, then-that†. Specific variables are defined that tell the CPU how to process information. It takes a programmer that knows the intimate details of how the code works to ensure that programs work the way they are supposed to. In a declarative language, language is used that in its simplest form, just makes sense. There is no intricate code that is confusing. One example in SQL would be creating tables: CREATE TABLE Employee. The user can create a simple table without having to know the inner workings of how the table is actually created. The advantage of declarative language is that it makes life so much easier for the everyday user to function in declarative programs without being a programmer. When a user types something in, the language just makes more sense to the everyday user and there is also plenty of information that can be found to aid in using declarative languages. Procedural language can have its advantages though. This is true for security reasons. This allows only those that are developing a program to know the inner workings of the program. In my opinion it is a good deterrent for unskilled persons to make modifications to programs that use procedural language. Cross joins are legitimate for several reasons. The main reason is to cut down the amount of information that the database is searching for. This also aids in increased performance. If cross joins were not allowed then the program would return much more information that is needed resulting in increased time to sort the data. This is example is two- fold; the database would work harder to retrieve information and the person looking at the returned information would have to work harder to sort it. I could imagine persons that are making inquiries across a WAN connection via a VPN making an inquiry and needing that specific data quickly. If cross joins were not allowed then can one imagine how much data is being sent across the internet or how much bandwidth is being used? In addition to that idea what about the integrity of data that any given person has access too? Cross joins allow for increased productivity, less strain on the database resources and security filtering of information. References- http://www.academia.edu/306590/A_COMPARISON_OF_DECLARATIVE_AND_PROCEDURAL_CONSTRAINTS_IN_DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEMShttp://www.teach- www.teach-ict.com/as_as_computing/ocr/H447/F453/3_3_6/types_language/miniweb/pg3.htm
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Unit G Psychology 101
1. Glucose is: A. the hormone produced by fat cells that signals the hypothalamus, regulating hunger and eating behavior. B. the neurotransmitter that promotes satiation and produces feelings of fullness as you eat. C. also called the â€Å"hunger hormone†because its presence in the lining of the stomach strongly stimulates appetite. *D. also called blood sugar and is the primary source of energy in your body. 2. Which of the following is NOT a valid criticism of Maslow's theory of motivation?A. Maslow's initial studies on self-actualization were based on limited samples and often relied on the life stories of acquaintances, and biographies and autobiographies of historical figures he selected. B. The concept of self-actualization is vague and almost impossible to define in such a way that it could be empirically measured or tested. C. Despite the claim that that self-actualization is an inborn motivational goal, most people do not experience or achieve self-actualization. * D. Because of Maslow's influence, psychology was encouraged to focus on the motivation and development of psychologically healthy people.3. Psychologists define the term _____ as a complex psychological state that involves subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response. A. motivation *B. emotion C. self-efficacy D. anthropomorphism4. Which of the following lists the correct seq uence of sleep stages during the first 90 minutes of sleep? * A. stage 1 NREM, stage 2 NREM, stage 3 NREM, stage 4 NREM, REM sleep B. REM sleep, stage 4 NREM, stage 3 NREM, stage 2 NREM, stage 1 NREM C. stage 1 REM, stage 2 REM, stage 3 REM, stage 4 REM, NREM D. wakefulness, drowsiness, dreaming, deep sleep, paradoxical sleep5. Sleep restriction studies have shown that: A. research participants adapted to the four-hour-per-night sleep schedule by the end of the first week and showed no cognitive or physical impairments over the course of the experiments. B. there were some beneficial effects in terms of memory consolidation, reaction time, and immune system functioning. * C. mmune system functioning, concentration, vigilance, reaction time, memory skills, and ability to gauge risk were all diminished. D. there is no evidence to support the notion that REM and NREM sleep deprivation result in REM and NREM rebound effects.6. Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are _______ that tend to occu r in _______. *A. parasomnias; stages 3 and 4 NREM sleep B. parasomnias; REM sleep C. dyssomnias; stages 1 and 2 NREM sleep D. dyssomnias; REM sleep7. Which of the following is an example of a parasomnia? A. insomnia B. narcolepsy C. obstructive sleep apnea *D. leep-related eating disorder (SRED)8. Scientists found that diminished levels of a special class of neurotransmitter called hypocretins, which are produced by neurons in the hypothalamus, have been implicated in a sleep disorder called _______. * A. narcolepsy B. obstructive sleep apnea C. sexsomnia D. somnambulism9. Heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, alcohol, and nicotine are all addictive drugs that increase levels of which neurotransmitter in the brain? A. serotonin B. melatonin C. norepinephrine * D. dopamine10. Caffeine: * A. is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world. B. gets its stimulant effect by promoting the release of adenosine in the brian's prefrontal cortex. C. gets its stimulant effect by blocking the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. D. is the most widely used non-physically addictive drug in the world.11. Which of the following is a derivative of opium? A. mescaline B. Oxycontin C. psilocybin * D. codeine12. According to _____ theories of motivation, behavior is motivated by the desire to reduce internal tension caused by unmet biological needs. A. incentive * B. drive C. humanistic D. instinct13. According to the _____ theory of emotion, your subjective emotional experience is the direct result of physical changes in your body. *A. James-Lange B. cognitive-appraisal C. self-determination D. Schachter-Singer two-factor14. Happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise comprise the list that Paul Ekman calls: A. the facial code. B. facial movements. C. the primary code. * D. primary affects.15. When people mask an emotion: A. it is impossible to detect their true emotion. *B. the true emotion flashes on their face before they compose their face. C. the true emotion can be read in their eyes. D. their facial muscles always twitch.16. How do Psychoactive drugs work? -once in our bloodstream, psychoactive drugs influence our behavior by altering the functioning of the central nervous system in some way.17. What is anger? What features does anger share with other emotions? – Anger is â€Å"an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage,†Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy hormones, adrenaline, and noradrenaline.18. Define dyssomnia- A general term used to describe any sleeping condition where a person has trouble either getting to sleep or staying asleep.19. Define parasomnia- A category of sleep disorders in which abnormal events occur during sleep, such as sleepwalking or talking; due to inappropriately timed activation of physiological sy stems.20. Define hypnosis- An artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by heightened susceptibility to suggestion.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Look at Feminist Utopia and Dystopia Literature
A Look at Feminist Utopia and Dystopia Literature Feminist Utopia Feminist utopia is a type of social science fiction. Usually, a feminist utopia novel envisions a world in stark contrast to patriarchal society. Feminist utopia imagines a society without gender oppression, envisioning a future or an alternate reality where men and women are not stuck in traditional roles of inequality. These novels are often set in worlds where men are entirely absent. Feminist Dystopia Often, a feminist science fiction novel is more of a dystopia. Dystopic science fiction imagines a world gone terribly wrong, exploring the most extreme possible consequences of current society’s problems. In a feminist dystopia, the inequality of society or oppression of women is exaggerated or intensified to highlight the need for change in contemporary society. Explosion of a Subgenre There was a great increase in feminist utopian literature during the second-wave feminism of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Feminist science fiction is often seen as more concerned with societal roles and power dynamics than the technological advances and space travel of â€Å"typical†science fiction. Examples Early feminist utopias: City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Contemporary feminist utopia novels: Works by Marge PiercyThe Wanderground by Sally Miller Gearhart Feminist dystopia novels: Walk to the End of the World by Suzy McKee CharnasThe Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood There are also many books, such as Joanna Russ’ The Female Man, that explore both utopia and dystopia.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers
50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers 50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers 50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers By Mark Nichol Many idioms referring to human behavior are based on analogies to parts of the body, especially arms, hands, and fingers. Here are explanations of many of the most common expressions. 1. â€Å"All hands on deck,†from nautical terminology, means that a circumstance requires everyone’s attendance or attention. 2. One who is all thumbs is clumsy (as if one had thumbs in place of fingers and is therefore not dexterous). 3. To have something at hand is to have it accessible or nearby. 4. To be hand in hand is to be in close association. 5. A backhanded compliment is one that explicitly or implicitly denigrates the recipient. 6. To be in good (or safe) hands is to be in a secure position. 7. To be on hand is to be in attendance or available in case of need. 8. To bite the hand that feeds you is to attack or reject someone who has helped you. 9. â€Å"The devil makes work for idle hands†means that those who do not have enough to occupy them are susceptible to risking illicit behavior. 10. To say that someone did not or would not lift a finger is to criticize the person for failing to assist. 11. â€Å"Elbow grease†refers to influence that will enable something to occur that would otherwise be hindered or stalled. 12. Elbow room is space to be free to live the way one wants to or engage in activities as one wishes. 13. To finger someone is to identify someone, especially a perpetrator of a crime or someone who is to blame for doing something wrong. 14. To experience something at first hand (or firsthand) is to experience it directly rather than to merely become aware of it through an intermediary. 15. To force someone’s hand is to maneuver so that someone is compelled to act prematurely or reveal his or her intentions. 16. To give someone a free hand is to allow that person autonomy. 17. â€Å"Five-finger discount†is a euphemism for stealing, especially shoplifting. 18. To gain the upper hand is to become dominant or victorious. 19. To get one’s fingers burned is to experience a painful lesson, often about issues such as trust in interpersonal relationships. 20. To get one’s hands dirty it to directly engage in an activity that may not be appealing, rather than leave it to others, or to become involved in illicit activity. 21–22. To give one’s right arm (to right-handed people, the more useful one) or an arm and a leg is to offer a significant sacrifice to obtain a desired result. 23. To go hand in glove means to be in close agreement or in a close relationship. 24. To hand it to someone is to acknowledge someone’s accomplishment. 25. To hand something to someone on a plate or a platter means to make something easy for someone. 26. To hang on by one’s fingernails is to barely manage to cope with something. 27. To have a finger in every pie (or many pies) is to be involved in many activities or projects 28. To have one’s finger on the pulse of something is to be acutely aware of its condition or status. 29. To have one’s hands full it to be busy or too busy to take on other activities. 30. Something done with a heavy hand is done excessively and/or oppressively. 31. A reference to an iron fist (or iron hand) in a velvet glove is to authoritarian behavior concealed behind a facade of benevolence. 32. To keep someone at arm’s length is to maintain emotional and/or physical distance from someone who is a bad influence or may otherwise cause harm. 33. To keep one’s fingers crossed is to wish for good luck. 34. To know something like the back of one’s hand is to be intimately or thoroughly familiar with it. 35. When the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, one entity associated with another is unaware of the second entity’s actions or intentions. 36. To lend a hand means to help. 37. To live from hand to mouth is to live on a subsistence level, with no cushion of comfort. 38. When something gets out of hand, it is out of control. 39. The long arm of the law is the influence of law enforcement, which can be more far reaching in time or space than one expects. 40. â€Å"On the other hand†means â€Å"alternatively.†41. To overplay one’s hand is to be overconfident. 42. To play into someone’s hands is to engage in activity or behavior that makes one vulnerable to another person’s manipulation. 43. A show of hands is a literal or figurative assessment or vote to determine support for or opposition to an intended course of action or agreement or disagreement with an opinion. 44. To stick out like a sore thumb is to be conspicuous. 45. To take the law into one’s own hands is to seek justice or retribution instead of obtaining assistance through law enforcement or legal procedures. 46. â€Å"Thumbs up†refers to the gesture of approval. 47. To be under someone’s thumb is to be subject to someone else’s influence. 48. To be up in arms is to be indignant or agitated about a wrong done to oneself and/or others. 49. To wash one’s hands of something is to decide that one no longer wants to be considered responsible for an action or policy that one does not have control over. 50. To work one’s fingers to the bone is suggest that one’s fingers have been stripped of flesh from the exertion. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?What Is a Doctor?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
An Australian MNC has subsidiaries in France, China, Canada, Turkey Essay
An Australian MNC has subsidiaries in France, China, Canada, Turkey and Vietnam, Indonesia and South Africa. With particular reference to legal, political, eco - Essay Example nent â€Å"down under†that expounds on European legacy with a democratically free market economy that just adopted economic reforms in 1980s contributing to its current robust economy. With a Western-style capitalist economy, output had risen beyond the internal needs so that raw materials and agricultural products lead the export sector of Australia. Low inflation, reforms and strong ties with countries like China coupled with conservative fiscal policies have maintained a very strong economy boasting of a $642.1. billion GDP purchasing power parity (CIA, 2006) and a 2.6 percent 2005 growth rate estimate. Australia’s GDP per capita is $32,000 as of 2005 (CIA, 2006). In order to necessitate different approaches to the establishment of an Australian multinational corporation’s (MNC) subsidiaries and their on-going operations in countries like France, China, Canada, Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia and South Africa, various legal, political, economic and cultural issues must be addressed. Following are a country-per-country exploration on tackling business in consideration of the country’s environments, needs and other issues: Zitta Jewelries Corporation established in 1978 is one of the clienteles of Climax Mining Limited of Australia with vast connection and outlets all over the world, or among country capitals and major cities. Zitta either supplies raw materials such as gold, silver, copper, precious and semi-precious stones to jewelry manufacturers all over the world but they also distribute finished jewelry products, with their own exclusive jewelry shops in France, Canada, China, Turkey, South Africa, Vietnam and Indonesia. It employs about 350 persons all in all. Likewise, Zitta also outsource products from various countries especially where subsidiaries exist and leverage this products in all other outlets. Zitta both supplies raw materials to a subsidiary, or either source out raw materials from the subsidiary country when allowed. This way, each
Friday, November 1, 2019
Cinematic Piracy in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cinematic Piracy in China - Research Paper Example By mid 2000, global statistics estimated that China was the leading producer and promoter of counterfeit movies, music, and software in the world. Statistically, at least ninety one percent of China’s desktop computers have pirated origins (Pang, 2004). Sequentially, China registers the highest counterfeiting of entertainment products in a wide range. Moreover, the estimated value of these counterfeit goods lied between nineteen and twenty four billion in 2003. In China, the expertise at which piracy occurs presents a challenge in determining the counterfeit and the genuine intellectual property. In essence, intellectual property is the exclusive right and protection given to creations of the mind against duplication of the idea that is becomes ones asset. This paper will discuss why cinematic piracy has become so widely spread in China and present the alarming statistics at which this trend continues to surfice. Background information on cinematic piracy in China Cinematic pi racy involves both the act of production and buying illegal copies (Larkin, 2004). The pirated video compact discs (VCDs) and DVDs enter the distribution channels in China retailing at exceptionally low prices that end up affecting the anticipated profit margins. The sale of these productions is at cheaper prices to which the original film maker may never get a return on their investment. Surprisingly, Hollywood movies appear in fake forms in China streets, before their official launch into theaters. In other cases, the circulation of pirated movies in China begins a few days after the premier entry into theaters. Some cinematic pirates often make use of hand-held video cameras in theaters during a movie premier to capture the entire movie. A camera copy is the name given to the movies produced in this manner. The picture quality is relatively of inferior aspects hence making the product undesirable. Many vendors of these pirated copies dupe the public in to buying them without actu ally communicating on the quality of the copies. However, the buyers of these products serve as equal accomplices in to this crime because they buy cheaply. These offenders then proceed to make copies in Asia, and in a few days, they gain entry into the market. Other copyright offenders rely on quality screeners in order to produce copies of Hollywood movies. Sometimes the copies come out in a quality that is easily confused with the original. The question that lingers on the minds of many innovators of products is whether China will seize from being an imitator or will it be an innovator by itself. In essence, China has embraced both of these traits in that it is an innovator and pirate of intellectual intelligence. Effects of cinematic piracy On the contrary, piracy may serve as deterrence to much needed innovativeness, but has not been the case for China. This is because China does not protect the right to accrue profits from copyrighted material hence diminishing the urge to cre ate and be innovative (Beam, 2012). The secret lies in the ability to toy with the consumers mind for them into believing that a pirated product is the same as the original product. This is irrespective of the name change and minimal alteration to the original name. Ironically, the market tends to think that the product remains same in terms of quality, but they are not because of their counterfeit nature. Funny enough, market
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